Monday, January 30, 2006

Dr.'s appointment - 37.5 weeks

This morning Beth had her weekly doctors appointment and everything is going as expected. The baby's heartrate was about 145 (it's been ranging from 130-148 during our last few visits). The doctor guesstimated the baby would weigh "in the 7s" when it's born. We saw a different doc last week and he gave the same weight estimation. We'd be plenty happy with a baby that size! I weighed 9 10.5 and Beth was 9 14. So anything under 8 seems small by comparison. The Dr. stated that the baby can be delivered whenever it's ready so now the wait is on.

I said wait, not "heat" (you know... "the heat is on, on the street", it's an 80s song... never mind)

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