We don't have a whole lot going on at the Hunt household so I don't have much to report. I've done a lousy job of taking pictures of Doodlebug too, so I've included some, but not a lot.
Addie is such a two year old now. I thought that we had experienced temper tantrums before, but now I really know what they are...and so do the Wilson's. She threw a little ditty around them last week. Fun Fun!
I've been trying not to disturb the "ticking time bomb", but it's really hard to walk on egg shells all the time. We are going to go to Sydney's 2nd bday party tomorrow and I'm fully expecting to experience the embarrassment of a lifetime as Addie allows me the opportunity to display my parenting skills (or lack there of) to every other guest there.
I'm also going to visit my sister in North Carolina next week. I'm guessing I'll be able to tell you what exactly happens to mommy's and their traveling companions when they decide to scream
their heads off on the plane. Just kidding...I'm thinking positive thoughts.
Even though...
She threw a fit last Friday b/c I wouldn't let her eat a napkin. Yes, I wrote eat.
She threw a fit on Sunday night b/c Micah wiped her nose (all of our friends got to see that lovely tantrum).
She threw a fit on Monday b/c she didn't want to put her coat on and go to the gym.
She threw a fit on Tuesday b/c she didn't want her diaper on and preferred to run around naked (I actually let her for a while until she said she had to got poop...then I pinned her down and put one on as quick as I could.
BUT...things have been okay the last few days. I put her in the corner and tell her that she can come out when she's done crying and can be nice. I think I gave her too much attention the first couple times, b/c I really thought there was something wrong. I'd never seen her so angry.
I've also requested Love and Logic from the library so I can brush up on parenting skills. It's funny how I can give strategies to the families I serve with PAT, but when it's my own kid, I'm dumbstruck.
Addie likes to stand on her table and turn the kitchen light on and off...Addie likes to be assisted down and sent to timeout too. Did you notice she's eating a napkin too?
This is how I KNOW I love her....she's still adorable despite the silly screams and thrashing on the floor. In fact, it's sometimes downright hilarious and I have to try not to laugh (I don't want to be insensitive, ya know?) No matter how much maintenance she requires, I'm still really glad God decided to loan her to Micah and I for a while.
Addie and Isaac playing in her playroom.