Addie saw the Easter bunny at Bass Pro earlier in the week. She had an easter egg hunt and got some neat toys from the Easter Bunny.
We spent most of the weekend at Memaw and Epa's house.
Lucas- poor guy- got a haircut. He was bringing in so much mud from the backyard, that we had to cut off all his pretty hair. It's not such an ordeal to let him inside now. But, you can see how much we cut. It's probably the size of someone's Cockapoo!
swimming in the hot tub with Epa
Addie got some help with her easter egg hunt...Kaylee kept picking them up and we'd tell her to "drop it". She'd drop in out in the open so it was a breeze for Addie to find.
We did a doggie egg hunt after Addie's hunt. We put dog treats inside and told them to find it. We used to do it all the time with them before Addie was born. We've kind of slacked so they were confused at first. They caught on quickly though.
Proof that my dogs can get along with Sabastian...depsite my parent's fear that they will eat him in one bite!
Addie got to dye eggs this weekend too! She had quite a time!
It was quite ridiculous how much candy and eggs there were for just one little girl. We would have loved to hunt with cousins. Fortunately, Addie will have more company next year as she will be hunting with a new baby brother or sister! I'm due October 24th! Right now, I'm three months along, but look like I'm five months...I'm so much bigger this time than I was with Addie. I have been sick like I was with Addie, but not quite as bad. Addie tells random strangers "Mommy throwed up!" or "Mommy's sick!" which has put me in quite a predicament sometimes. I'm so glad the cat's out of the bag and we're looking like we'll be able to count this baby in for the long haul!