Sunday, May 28, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend!

This weekend we went to a wedding- but we forgot to take the camera to get photos. But that's okay...Addie wasn't too happy to be there and we had to leave early anyway.
On Sunday, we went to a BBQ over at Kelly and John's home.

Here is a pic of Kelly and Addison:

And here she is with Jenny:

We had a really good time and Addison was a pretty good sport.

Addison loves to hang out and just stare at her hands. Sometimes, if you're holding her hands, she'll intensify her stare as if she's trying to figure out which fingers belong to her.
Here are a few shots of her staring at her hands on the couch:

I finished my year up at Cler-Mont and since I'm taking next year off, we had to bring all my school stuff home and put it in the attic. I can't believe how much stuff I've acquired in just six years of teaching. Before I go back to the classroom, I'm going to have to pitch some stuff.

Micah starts working at SERC this Wednesday! I'm really hoping he enjoys it. It's kind of weird how we're doing a complete role reversal. Now, he'll be bringing home the bacon!

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