Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One MOnth

Our little guy is one month old now!!!

He isn't wasting anytime growing up.
He weighs 11 lb and 6.6 oz.
I'm not sure how long he is, but I know that 0-3 month outfits work well and some 3 month outfits do too!

I can honestly say that this little baby is pure delight. He's so loveable and I'm soaking him up as much as I can. Since Addie was colicky, it seems like I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve and I don't have to use them much at all--- not complaining though. He's completely consolable and generally content.

Even with Eliza, we had fussiness in the evenings. But...not so much with Grady.

Now, before I have you thinking that everything is just dreamy over here, I must admit that he still prefers to be held. He doesn't sleep long when he's on his back and doesn't prefer the swing.

Other than that, no complaints.

He nurses like a champ, snuggles with his mama, and even throws in a few smiles (and totally makes you believe he's being intentional about it). :)

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