Tummy time...
loving her Bumbo chair...
On her two month birthday, I was just tell my father in law that I had not given her enough tummy time & that her sister was already rolling over by now. I put her on her tummy AND SHE ROLLED OVER! She has since done it many times so I know it's not a fluke! She's a strong little one...just like Addie was!
We took her to get her checkup and shots. It was so painful to watch her get her shots. I feel bad for the nurse who had to give them! Her eyes got huge and she cried so hard. She was so mad by the time she got the third one, she didn't even want to nurse!
She's 20 inches long (50%tile) and 12 lbs. 9 oz (90%tile). Her little thighs are sooooo cute, I just want to eat them.
She also getting hands in her mouth.
She's learned to squeal, smile and is sleeping fairly well, waking up about once at night to feed. Over all, things with Miss Eliza are splendid!
Baby parade at 2 months
Big sister had to get in a shot too!
A glance at Baby Parade last month:
1 comment:
Ms. Eliza and her cousin Lesiel look exactly alike. They are chunky and adorable. I love it!!!
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