Saturday, March 18, 2006

One Month Old

Guess who's taking a bottle now?

This morning, I decided it was time for me to get back to the gym and go to my yoga class, so I pumped about 4 ounces and put it in a bottle for little Addie Sue. I woke up Micah and told him today was the day to introduce the bottle. At first, she screamed, but after about a minute she decided to chomp down and try it out. After that, it was smooth sailing. I left the house feeling so liberated. It's nice to know I can leave her with other people now for more than two hours and not have to worry about her getting frantic for some food.

We visited the Morgan's house on Friday night and tried out Sydney's swing. Addision seemed to like it much better. So now we're thinking that we might go buy it and use it instead of the one we have. It mimics the rocking motion that Micah does when he swings her car seat- which gets her calmed down fairly quickly. Plus, it has a mirror above her which she just loves to look into! If it doesn't work out, we can always take it back, but at this point, we're willing to try anything. She still refuses to lay down by herself. It's impossible to do anything around the house because she's constantly waking up in a tizzy once she discovers she not being held.

We've made it to her one month's hard to believe that much time has already passed. It's also incredible to believe we've survived with such little sleep!!! We'll keep you posted....

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