Sunday, October 29, 2006

Addie and Daddy's Weekend

Mommy got a break this weekend and stayed in a fancy "cabin" so Daddy got to spend some quality time with Addie Sue. Father and daughter haven't spent a night together without Mom so no one knew what to expect. Not to mention that Addie was a bit nervous Daddy couldn't handle the responsibility. So what happened?

We played "Push the dog dish"...

"Opposite day at the Exer-saucer"...

I even let Addie pick out a movie to watch! She has good taste in movies just like her Daddy.

She insisted on showing me the proper way to use the remote control (apparently I've been doing it wrong).

After the movie we made scary faces at each other.

Then I showed Addie what it felt like to be a burrito.

We even had time to scrub the dirt away before Mommy came home!

So it turned out to be a good weekend after all. Although, Addie says that she gets to take a break next weekend.


Anonymous said...

Micah you are so funny. What is that upside down saucer thingy anyway? I love the photo's and I hope you guys had as much fun as it looks like you did and I hope Beth got a well deserved rest.

MortisSanguine said...

Looks like you had a fun and messy weekend. She is growing up so big...give her a kiss for us.
